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Here you will find information on the ancestors of the families Müller, L'Eplattenier, Studer, and Burri; moreover on those of the Jaggi, Christen, Feier, Balogh, Patay, Toth, Schori and Grubenmann. Works on this project were started early in 1989 and have been in progress with some longer breaks until today.
If you want to complete some data, or you find information as erroneous, please let me know this by e-mail. Would you want to revise a part by yourself, or to complete a further branch, so contact me likewise.
Information on living persons will be supplied only to their own relatives. Should you find data on persons with no relationship to the family, please inform me and I will correct this.
If you have any questions or comments about the information on this site, please contact us. We look forward to hearing from you.